
You can now (re)watch all recordings of the eight lectures that were part of the EuMIGS Lecture Series 2022 on migration policy and refugee reception in the (trans-) local context.

The 2021 IMISCOE Conference will take place online from July 7 to 9. We warmly invite you to join our EuMIGS panel on the 8th of July from 4.30 to 6 pm!

The Public Lectures of the nccr – on the move aim at fostering an interdisciplinary debate and present original research on migration and mobility or related topics. For Spring 2021, the topic of the Public Lectures is ‘the migration-mobility nexus’. Each lecture is delivered by an internationally renowned scholar who presents his/her recent research on the topic, followed by a debate with the


The Centre on Migration, Policy and Society (COMPAS) at the University of Oxford is organising the 2021 IMISCOE Spring conference on March 22-23 2021 (online event) on the topic of Messaging Migration and Mobility.

Join us during this spring in the online EuMIGS Lecture Series! Lectures are organized by the different EuMIGS partner institutes. Students of all EuMIGS partner institutes are warmly invited to participate.

If you are a student from one of the programmes at the following EuMIGS partner institutes: Linköping University, University of Osnabrück, University of A Coruña, and University of Neuchâtel, and you are interested in applying for the Double Degree-programme, please submit your application until December 31 to your local EuMIGS coordinator.
We really look forward to receiving your applications!

The Institute for Migration Research and Intercultural Studies (IMIS) and Center for Democracy and Peace Research (ZeDF) at University of Osnabrück organize online lecture series during the winter term 2020/21.

The Public Lectures of the nccr – on the move aim at fostering an interdisciplinary debate and present original research on migration and mobility or related topics. For Fall 2020, the topic of the Public Lectures is ‘human movement and inequalities’. Each lecture is delivered by an internationally renowned scholar who presents his/her recent research on the topic, followed by a debate with the


The Institute for Research on Migration, Ethnicity and Society (REMESO) at Linköping University (Sweden) offers open seminars and working seminars on Wednesdays at 13:15-15:00 held via zoom meeting.

Malmö Institute for Studies of Migration, Diversity and Welfare (MIM) at Malmö University (Sweden) part of the EuMIGS Network launched in September 2020 the Migration Society 2.0 Lectures- Community and Conflict in the Era of Diversity.