European Master in Migration Studies

EuMIGS is Europe’s largest network of institutes in the area of migration studies. The network involves 13 partner institutes in 10 European countries of which 7 are part of the double degree Master’s programme.

Spend the entire second year of your master studies abroad and get issued a master degree from both your home and host institution.

Double Degree-Programme

Kick-off meeting in Norrköping

The 2024-2025 cohort of double degree students and coordinators met for the kick-off conference on 3-6 November 2024, hosted by Linköping...

EuMIGS at the IMISCOE conference: Migration research on the move

Twenty EuMIGS Double Degree students participated in the IMISCOE Annual Conference 2024 in Lisbon on the topic of reflexivity in migration...

EuMIGS Winter Workshop in Liège

20 EuMIGS double degree students, 11 Master students from the EuMIGS partner Universities and 9 EuMIGS coordinators met in Liège for the...

Transformation of mobility and citizenship

Political participation of undocumented migrants in the city (of Liège) as means of informal cultural citizenship, by Elsa Mescoli; and...

International mobility, citizenship and human rights

The Nation’s electorate. The loyalty of emigrants in the Roya Valley (1944-1949), by Lucie Bargel

Citizenship policies and their implications on mobility patterns & citizenship hierarchies

Mobility restrictions during Covid: How citizenship mattered during crisis, by Didier Ruedin; and Understanding the experience of...