NewsLisa Stalder
EuMIGS at the IMISCOE conference: Migration research on the move
30.07.2024 - Twenty EuMIGS Double Degree students participated in the IMISCOE Annual Conference 2024 in Lisbon on the topic of reflexivity in migration research. In... -
Transformation of mobility and citizenship
13.02.2024 - Political participation of undocumented migrants in the city (of Liège) as means of informal cultural citizenship, by Elsa Mescoli; and Unpacking... »» -
International mobility, citizenship and human rights
13.02.2024 - The Nation’s electorate. The loyalty of emigrants in the Roya Valley (1944-1949), by Lucie Bargel »» -
Citizenship policies and their implications on mobility patterns & citizenship hierarchies
13.02.2024 - Mobility restrictions during Covid: How citizenship mattered during crisis, by Didier Ruedin; and Understanding the experience of internationally mobile... »» -
Micro and macro level drivers and consequences of mobility
13.02.2024 - Understanding intra-European youth mobility: The case of Romanians and Latvians in Sweden, by Henrik Emilsson; and Individual perceptions as a driver of... -
EuMIGS Kick-off meeting 2023 in Salzburg
22.12.2023 - A new cohort of 20 EuMIGS Double Degree students kicked off their second year at one of the seven partner universities in a three-days meeting in Salzburg. »» -
EuMIGS student receives RUCARR Thesis Award
20.12.2023 - Lara Sanchez Gil received the RUCARR Thesis Award 2023 for her Master thesis "Being together through ICTs: Transnational family practices in the context... »» -
BlogNicole Lehrfeld-Schlueter
EuMIGS Double Degree student testimonial - Nicole
16.08.2023 - Students of the EuMIGS Double Degree programme - cohort 2022/2023 - took the initiative and gathered a few testimonials about the 2-years master programme. »» -
BlogDamaris and Mirana
Podcast: Migration and Identities
23.04.2023 - Identity with a migration background: personal experiences vs others’ expectations. This podcast addresses the complexity of the identities of people... »» -
BlogMirjam, Hikari, Selin
Podcast: Sociological Coffee Talks
19.04.2023 - Talk with us about migration studies. »»