Are you already enrolled in a Master in Migration Studies at one of our partner universities?
The EuMIGS Network joins Master programmes in Migration Studies from 11 different European universities.To participate in the EuMIGS Double degree or the EuMIGS exchange you first have to enroll in a Master programme at one of the EuMIGS partner institutes. We kindly recommend you to get in contact with the university of interest regarding admission requirements for the Master’s degree.
If you are already a student at one of our partner programmes and would like to participate in EuMIGS, please consider the following options:
1. EuMIGS Double Degree
7 partner institutes are currently offering the double degree. For application details such as deadlines, what documents to submit and where to submit them, please check the website of your home institute. Before applying, please also check if you meet the specific requirements (e.g., English language requirements) of your preferred host universities:
- Social Policies and Socio-Community Intervention (MOPS) at Universidade da Coruña, Spain
- Migration and Citizenship at Université de Neuchâtel, Switzerland
- International Migration and Interethnic Relations (IMIB) at Universität Osnabrück, Germany
- International Migration and Ethnic Relations (IMER) at Malmö University, Sweden
- Ethnic and Migration Studies at Linköping Universitet, Sweden
- Master program Sociology with study extension program in Migration Studies at Paris Lodron University Salzburg, Austria
- Master in Sociology with professional focus in Immigration Studies at University of Liège, Belgium
The selection and distribution of double degree applicants is made jointly by all EuMIGS double degree partners. Applicants are selected based on whether they fulfull the formal requirements and are asked to submit a motivation letter. Formal requirements include being able to complete 60 ECTS at the master level before going abroad as a double degree student and having at least a B2 level in English (an English language certificate may be required by some partner universities but can also be obtained after the application deadline).
Applicants are asked to include in their application a ranking of at least two, maximum three preferred destinations where they would like to spend their second year. We aim to maintain a balance between incoming and outgoing students at each partner university and therefore cannot offer all applicants their preferred option. However, students' motivations as exposed in their motivation letter will be taken into account.
2. EuMIGS Exchange
Partner institutes participating in the double degree programme also receive students for one semester. In addition, the following programmes which are part of the extended EuMIGS network are receiving students for a one semester exchange:
- Advanced Migration Studies at University of Copenhagen, Denmark
- Migration studies at École Normal Supérieure de Lyon, France
- Governance of Migration and Diversity at Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam, Netherlands
- Migration Studies at Université Côte d’Azur, France
For the EuMIGS exchange option, you need to apply for an Erasmus exchange at the International Office of your home institution. Usually, the same conditions, application deadlines, and procedures apply as for other Erasmus exchanges.