The Institute for Migration Research and Intercultural Studies (IMIS) and Center for Democracy and Peace Research (ZeDF) at University of Osnabrück organize online lecture series during the winter term 2020/21.
The seminars are held in English and Online. University students & staff, please register on StudIP. External guests, please register by contacting
More Information at
20 November
10:00- 11:30
Genocide, mass violence and forced migration
Prof. Dr. Timothy Williams, Bundeswehr Universität München
14 December
12:00- 13:30
Local effects of global policies: The case of gender in Asian refugee camps
Prof. Dr. Elisabeth Olivius, Umeå University
8 January 2021
10:00- 11:30
Peace in exile? Peacebuilding in protracted refugee situations
Dr. Michael Owiso, Maseno University
25 January 2021
14:00- 15:30
Refugees as actors in the international refugee regime
Prof. Dr. Alexander Betts, Refugees Studies Centre, University of Oxford