20 November 2020 - 25 January 2021, online @ University of Osnabrück

Online Lecture Series

Global Perspectives on Forced Migration

The Institute for Migration Research and Intercultural Studies (IMIS) and Center for Democracy and Peace Research (ZeDF) at University of Osnabrück organize online lecture series during the winter term 2020/21.

The seminars are held in English and Online. University students & staff, please register on StudIP. External guests, please register by contacting This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
More Information at https://www.imis.uni-osnabrueck.de/fileadmin/6_Veranstaltungen/Krause__Segadlo__OnlineLectureSeries.pdf

20 November

10:00- 11:30

Genocide, mass violence and forced migration

Prof. Dr. Timothy Williams, Bundeswehr Universität München

14 December

12:00- 13:30

Local effects of global policies: The case of gender in Asian refugee camps

Prof. Dr. Elisabeth Olivius, Umeå University

8 January 2021

10:00- 11:30

Peace in exile? Peacebuilding in protracted refugee situations

Dr. Michael Owiso, Maseno University

25 January 2021

14:00- 15:30

Refugees as actors in the international refugee regime

Prof. Dr. Alexander Betts, Refugees Studies Centre, University of Oxford


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