A new cohort of 20 EuMIGS Double Degree students kicked off their second year at one of the seven partner universities in a three-days meeting in Salzburg.
The programme for the kick-off meeting was put together by the local EuMIGS coordination team at the Paris Lodron University of Salzburg. The University of Salzburg with its Master in Sociology with an extension programme in Migration Studies joined the Double Degree consortium in 2022.
The programme included a panel discussion on career paths after a Master in Migration Studies with the participation of former migration and EuMIGS students working inside and outside academia. We learnt that while career options are not always straightforward and easy to plan, they include a wide range of opportunities. Participants also visited the Red Cross refugee shelter and explored the beautiful old town of Salzburg on a guided tour about the city's Jewish history. Dinners, social activities, film screenings and group work gave students the opportunity to interact with each other and talk about their experiences and challenges as Double Degree students.
For a further reading about the Kick-off with a personal statement of a current EuMIGS Double Degree student: https://liu.se/en/news-item/the-learning-of-the-future-international-dual-degree-programme-in-focus
Photo: Lisa Stalder