The 2-year programme relates ethnicity and migration to global economic and cultural change, as well as to systems of domination and movements of resistance. Emphasis is put on historical, theoretical and sociological analysis of migration as a process that shapes boundaries, social hierarchies, border regimes and frameworks of citizenship. Courses are intimately linked to research at the Institute for Research on Migration, Ethnicity and Society (REMESO) and integrate perspectives from the humanities and the social sciences. Specific foci include:
- the political economy of globalization as linked to migration
- migration and stratifications of class and labour between and within countries
- bodies and emotions in biopolitical migration regimes
- theories of cultural identity, social inequality, and ethnic exclusion
- intersectional migration studies, gender, and sexuality
- Migration and ethnicity in culture and the arts
Tentative course programme for the semesters 3 and 4
The programme also offers opportunities for specialisation through elective courses, internships, studies abroad, and tutorials. EuMIGS students will begin the second year of the programme and thus follow curricula for semester 3 and 4.
Semester 3 (= 30 ECTS)
In the first half of semester 3 the EuMIGS-students will be offered the following courses which are also attended by our local students:
- Migration, Health and Biopolitics, 7,5 ECTS
- Inclusion, citizenship and exclusion, 7,5 ECTS
In the second half of the semester, students may specialize by selecting one or two 7,5-credit modules from REMESO’s additional course curriculum. There is also the possibility of doing an internship of either 7,5 or 15 ECTS. Elective course modules include:
- Borders and Identities, 7,5 ECTS
- Contemporary Issues in Ethnic and Migration Studies 7,5 ECTS
- Researching the Ageing Society I - Methods in Ageing and Social Change, 7,5 ECTS
- Special Readings in Ethnic and Migration Studies 7,5 ECTS
Semester 4 (= 30 ECTS)
- Master’s Thesis in Ethnic and Migration Studies (including a compulsory Research Colloquium that starts in Semester 3).
For further information, please see
Master thesis and examination requirements
Being a multidisciplinary area, Ethnic and Migration Studies at Linköping University allow students to focus their master’s theses on a great variety of issues and problems. Primary empirical material for a thesis in the programme may thus be gathered from a range of different contexts and research activities: ethnographic fieldwork and interviews (of different kinds), archival research, participant observation, statistical surveys or register-data analysis, analysis of policy documents and official sources, interpretation of media discourses, cultural and aesthetic artefacts as well as sociological and historical theories and discourses about race, ethnicity, and migration. Depending on which primary material students focus on, methods and methodological approaches will vary accordingly: from close readings of texts to participant observation and interviews to quantitative analysis – or any combination thereof. One of the strengths of REMESO as a multidisciplinary research environment is its ability to offer adequate supervision within different empirical contexts, methods, and methodological approaches. Students are encouraged to adopt a similar multi- or interdisciplinary profile in their research and writing.
In preparation for the master’s thesis, second-year students attend a series of seminars devoted to the Craft of Academic Research and Writing. This seminar series begins early in the third semester and will run through the academic year, at the end of which (May-June) it will be transformed into a forum for the presentation and discussion of completed master’s theses.
The purpose of the seminars is to ensure that students choose a thesis topic well in advance of their embarking on the task and to equip all students with the tools needed to write an excellent thesis. The seminars thus provide an advanced forum to discuss hands-on issues relating to the supervision process, methods, ethical considerations in doing research, access to informants, archives, and data, selection of topics, formalities of writing, and disposition of a scholarly argument.
In the beginning of the fourth semester (spring) each student will also be assigned an individual supervisor and the topic of the thesis is developed and finally confirmed by the student in consultation with his/her supervisor. Practical, theoretical, and ethical issues related to the research process leading to the composition of the master’s thesis are resolved in consultation with the supervisor.
The spring is mainly devoted to the composition of the master’s thesis. The master’s thesis is written within the main area of study, Ethnic and Migration Studies. It is normally written in English but may also be written in another language if the student can present good reasons for doing so and provided that the supervisor and faculty have sufficient knowledge of the chosen language.
Authors of completed theses will present and defend their work at seminars in June. They will also be assigned (and must fulfill) the role of seminar discussant of a thesis written by a fellow master’s candidate. If other course requirements are fulfilled, they may then proceed to graduation to the degree of Master of Arts in Ethnic and Migration Studies at Linköping University. The length of the MA thesis is normally around 60 pages.
If the student fails to complete the thesis in time for examination at the end of the second year, s/he will get an opportunity to do so as soon as is convenient within the framework of the second-year master’s seminar.
The Master’s thesis is graded on the ECTS grading scale (A–F), where A=excellent; B=very good; C=good; D=satisfactory; E=sufficient; and F=fail.
Fees and similar
No tuition fees are charged by Linköping University to EuMIGS double-degree students, whether EU-citizens or not. However, should a non-EU double degree student choose to take elective courses at other LiU departments or programmes than the host programme, tuition fees may apply.
Language requirements
- IELTS: An overall mark of 6.5 and no section below 5.5 Toefl iBT (paper based): Score of 4.5 (scale 1-6) in written test, total score of 575
- Toefl iBT (internet based): Score of 20 (scale 0-30) in written test, total score of 90. Note: TOEFL Examinee Score Records are not accepted. All TOEFL tests must be sent directly from the Educational Testing Service (ETS).
For more information about how to fulfil our language requirements, such as alternative proof of language, please check out the following website:
Specific documents
- Bachelor ́s degree certificate including transcript of records from Bachelor ́s studies, Proof of English, transcript of record from ongoing Master ́s studies. Complete transcript of records for year one needs to be handed in as quickly as possible after end of spring semester.
Admission documents send out approx. late may. For specific requirements for the documents see
Practical Information
For accommodation and general information for exchange students, please see
For Visa/ residence permit and insurance, please see
Degree certificate
The student will be awarded the degree of Master of Arts (120 credits) with a major in Ethnic and Migration Studies from Linköping University provided all course requirements are completed and that the student fulfills the general and specific eligibility requirements including proof of holding a Bachelor's (kandidat) or a corresponding degree.
A degree certificate is issued by the Faculty Board on request. A Diploma Supplement will be attached to the degree certificate.
Nomination and application procedure for pre-selected incoming candidates
- Nomination deadline April 15. E-mail to
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. - Application deadline April 15
For more information about the application procedure, please see
Please also consider that you as a student will need to apply first to the home institution in order to be selected for an exchange period or Double Degree. Students do not apply directly to the partner institute.
Contact and further details
EuMIGS academic coordinator:
Anna Bredström
EuMIGS administrative contact:
Incoming exchange students