
double degree

Universität Osnabrück: International Migration and Intercultural Relations (IMIB)

The Master “International Migration and Intercultural Relations (IMIB)” at the University of Osnabrück, Germany is a two-year Master Programme with a strong interdisciplinary focus. It is run by the Institute for Migration and Intercultural Studies (IMIS). In its perspective on migration and its social consequences the programme combines disciplinary perspectives from sociology, history, geography, political science, law, educational science, psychology, linguistics, and religious sciences. Students are trained in critical approaches to and comparative analyses of migration-related phenomena. They learn theoretical concepts as well as methodological tools to conduct their own empirical research.

For more information, please see https://www.imis.uni-osnabrueck.de/en/studies/master_imib.html


Incoming EuMIGS Double Degree-students will follow a specialisation in ‘migration regimes in practice’. They will be trained in studying migration, migration-related diversity and processes of inclusion as contested issues and objects of regulation that are observed, defined, structured and ‘produced’ by various actors, institutions, discourses, and practices – and also by migration research itself.

Specific foci within the programme include:

  • the institutional structures, policies and actors of migration regimes as regulatory systems in a cross-national and historical perspective
  • the history of modern migration
  • refugee migration (regimes)
  • gender and migration
  • the spatial dimension of migration (regimes)
  • academic knowledge production on migration

Tentative course programme for the semesters 3 and 4

EuMIGS-students will be offered the following courses which are also attended by our local IMIB students:

Semester 3 (32 ECTS)

  • Module 5: Migration Regime (2 courses must be taken from the elective offer)

5.1 Law: Migration law (mandatory)- 4ECTS
5.2 Political Science: Migration and Integration Policy in Europe (elective)- 4ECTS
5.3 Geography: Migration Regime and space (elective)- 4ECTS
5.4 Sociology: Migration Regime and social conflicts (elective)- 4ECTS
5.5 History: Genesis of Migration Regimes (elective)- 4ECTS
→ FINAL PAPER (15-20 pages)- 4ECTS

  • Modul 6: Migration research in the disciplinary specialization (2 courses must be taken from the elective offer)

6.1 Sociology: Empirical research project (mandatory)- 4ECTS
6.2 Educational Science: Migration, family and upbringing (elective)- 4ECTS
6.3 Linguistics: Migration and language (elective)- 4ECTS
6.4 Psychology: Intercultural psychology (elective)- 4ECTS
6.5 Geography: Migration and regional development (elective)- 4ECTS
6.6 History: History of migration in Europe since the early modern period (elective)- 4ECTS
6.7 Political Science: EU and Global Governance (elective)- 4ECTS
→ FINAL PAPER (15-20 pages)- 4ECTS

Semester 4 (28 ECTS)

  • MA thesis (24 ECTS + 4 ECTS for Research Colloquium and one-day excursion)

The following table shows the IMIB-scale for final grades:

Grades German grade description English grade description
1.00 – 1.50 sehr gut excellent
1.50 – 2.15 gut very good
2.15 – 2.50 gut good
2.50 – 3.15 befriedigend good
3.15 – 3.50 befriedigend satisfactory
3.50 – 4.00 ausreichend sufficient
4.00 nicht ausreichend fail


No tuition fees are charged to neither EU- nor non-EU-citizens. However, there is an obligatory “semestral fee” of 265 Euros which includes contributions to the social works of the university and to the student representation body AStA and a general public transportation ticket that offers free usage of the entire local transport system in Osnabrück and the surrounding region plus free train rides to major cities in the North of Germany. There can be a waiver for the additional administrative fee of 75 Euros per semester.

Language requirements

  • B2 level in English is recommended

 Specific documents

  • Printed online application
  • Passport photograph
  • Copy of identity document (passport or identity card)
  • Transcript of records
  • Bachelor’s degree certificate

Nomination and application procedure for pre-selected incoming candidates

  • Nomination deadline
    • Fall semester: July 1
    • Spring semester: January 1

Please send an email with student´s name and email address to Malte Benjamins This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  and indicate specifically if the student wants to enrol as double degree and not exchange student.

Specific documents required for nomination: letter of motivation, cv, and proof of language level.

  • Application deadline
    • Fall semester: July 1
    • Spring semester: January 1

After nomination, we will send instructions. The students will have to send the application documents via regular mail.

Admission documents will be sent out in August.

Contact and further details

EuMIGS academic coordinators:

Dr. Sophie Hinger

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Dr. Mert Pekşen

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Prof. Dr. Andreas Pott

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Dr. Jens Schneider

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EuMIGS administrative contacts:

Mareike Tudor

Erasmus coordinator

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M.A. Laura Rohe

International Office

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Petra Lehmeyer

Double Degree (IMIS)

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